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Understanding GCP's Loadbalancer models

·552 words·3 mins

I recently spent some time with external application loadbalancers in GCP, and I found the data model pretty difficult to work with. What follows is an attempt to better explain these concepts, practicing some of the advice from Docs for Developers, which I’ve been reading.


External Application Loadbalancers are represented in the API by a series of related configuration objects. There is no single “Loadbalancer” object, so it is important to ensure the relevant objects all reference each other.

Described below are some of the objects involved in a Global External Application Loadbalancer, as I encountered them. The GCP docs describe many other types of LB configuration that may better fit your use case.

  • URL Map -
    ( 💡,
    responsible for routing incoming HTTP requests to the correct backend based on host and url.
  • Backend Service - ( 📖): tells the loadbalancer how to connect to your backend, but does not contain the list of backends!
  • Network Endpoint Group (NEG) ( 📖: contains the list of backends. Note that there are several types, for different types of backends (e.g. zonal VMs, serverless, etc)
  • Backend Bucket ( 📖): similar to a NEG, but used when serving from a Cloud Storage bucket.


URL Maps map incoming HTTP urls to Backend Services, through hostRules, pathMatchers and pathRules. They also contain the default backend service, to which requests will be send if they do not match any rules (or if no rules exist).

Host Rules match only on the Hostname of incoming HTTP requests. They control which Path Matcher the request is sent to next.

Path Matchers contain Path Rules, which map url “globs”, to a specific backend service.

backend service

Backend services contain a bunch of configuration for how the Load Balancer should connect to the service that is actually serving the request.

The backend service object contains a list of backends. the group field of a backed refers to either a Compute Instance Group (not discussed here), or a Network Endpoint Group. These references use urls that start with - these URLs can be used directly with gcloud commands, so there’s no need to parse them for their individual path components.

network endpoint group (NEG)

Important object with a terrible name 🤦

These list your actual backends. There is support for several different types, from fully-managed Serverless NEGs, to Internet NEGs (which are just host:port or ip:port endpoints).

The format varies depending on what kind of NEG you need, so be sure to check the Backend docs.

Backend Bucket

Sort of a special kind of NEG, this serves static content from a Cloud Storage bucket. The “backend Bucket” object, like the Backend Service, contains meta-information about how to serve your content, and contains only a link to the actual gcs bucket (in the bucketName field).


This probably deserves a diagram (with links to the relevant docs):

classDiagram direction LR class urlmap["URL Map"]{ pathMatcher.defaultService pathmatcher.pathRules[].service } class backendservice { backends[].group } class NEG { various types } urlmap --> backendservice backendservice --> NEG link urlmap "" link backendservice "" link NEG ""

I hope this little tour through the jungle of LB products has been helpful. I hope I find this article again the next time i have to touch one of these!